Required Information

  • Contact name
  • Company
  • Telephone
  • E-mail address
  • Shipping address (if different from your company address)
  • Product
  • Product Serial Number(s)
  • Production code (Date DDMMYY, e.g. 01DE06)
  • Full and detailed description of problem

Contact Crysberg

  • Complete the RMA form on the Crysberg website



Crysberg guarantees against faulty design, defective material and/or workmanship for a period of 3 years from the date of shipment from Crysberg.

Defective products returned to Crysberg during the period of guarantee shall be replaced or repaired by Crysberg free of charge, carriage paid by customer, provided that the products returned have been in normal use and are defective either in construction and/or manufacture and/or material.

Crysberg is by no means under obligation to pay other costs or fulfil other obligations than the above mentioned.

If you select “Warranty” when submitting the RMA form, Crysberg will investigate the product on receipt. Should we decide not to accept the warranty, we will inform you and forward an estimated price of repair.


Repair Cost and fees

  • Please provide as detailed description of the problem as possible.
    If no information is provided, we may have to add a fee to compensate for the time spent to identify the problem
  • If necessary, you may request a quotation before the repair work
    is implemented. The quotation will normally be issued within 15 working days after receipt of the product.

    The quotation shall be valid for 30 days.
    Should a response to the quotation not reach us within 30 days
    we shall return the unrepaired product.

    In some cases a fee may be issued to cover cost of investigation.
    Should the estimated cost of repair be smaller than the fee we shall
    perform the repair without further communication.

  • The cost of the repair will be invoiced through Crysberg’s normal distribution channels.



  • The customer is responsible for adequate packaging of the products
  • Crysberg will, if possible, use original packaging for the return shipment.
  • The equipment must be clearly identified with a RMA number
    (It is suggested that you include a print-out of the RMA e-mail)
  • If the equipment is not marked with a RMA number, we may have to ask for a fee to generate the RMA number.



  • Shipping address:


    Crysberg A/S
    Oldenvej 6
    DK-3490 Kvistgaard
    Attn: Mrs Elin Pettersson
    Tel: +45 4913 8048



  • The RMA number will be valid for 30 days from the date of issuing.
    If necessary a new RMA number may be requested.
  • In most cases the repair will be completed within 15 working days after receipt of the goods.